Best of breed ITIL foundation courses across the UK

We have the skills and knowledge to find the perfect fit whether you are looking to find a position or looking to fill one...

Recruitment - Permanent and Interim ITIL and ISO20000 Specialists

Specialising in ITIL® methodology, The Grey Matters provides the opportunity for individuals experienced in ITIL® to meet with Companies who have adopted or who are planning to adopt ITIL®.

We have an extensive database of experienced ITIL® managers and analysts who have registered with us.

With our client organisations we want to build long term relationships. This can only be achieved by providing excellent service and delivering results. Our aim is that through our integrity, care and professionalism, all our clients have total confidence in dealing with The Grey Matters.



Quality ITIL®, Prince2® 6th Edition, ISO/IEC20000 training courses and more...



Visit our book store for all the latest Best Practice publications...



We have the skills and knowledge to find the perfect fit if you are looking to find a position or to fill one...



We believe ‘Consultancy’ is about imparting knowledge, skills and transfer and not outstaying our welcome...



We can help whether it’s by simply providing advice or offering a full education and consultancy service...